Address: dongying city town XiYing GuangRaoXian king Address: tieling tieling county taken village road Telephone: 0546-6861222 6861168 Fax: 0546-6861318 The service hotline: 400-072-8968 Telephone: 024-78818050 Fax: 024-78818051 The service hotline: 4006558795 The url Liao embellish YouZhiChang url : Alibaba CTP website :
DAHNET-7688 is a widely used in DIP / APMP / BCTMP / TMP pulping process and textile dyeing and finishing industry H2O2 protective agent.
Properties: Appearance: light yellow liquid Active ingredients: " 29% Solubility: soluble in cold water PH: 8.5-10.5
Compared with similar products 7688 pairs of systems containing a large amount of the effect of iron is more significant, generally hydrogen peroxide bleaching is carried out under alkaline conditions , pH of the bleaching solution is 10-11 , when the actual presence of iron ions to ferric hydroxide colloid .7688 colloidal form adsorption is unmatched by other products .
Mechanism Since 7688 is a non-toxic organic acid compounds extracted from plant seeds , not only environmentally friendly, but also a strong chelating power under high-humidity conditions and a strong base to achieve the best stability , a high pH- buffering capacity . In 7688 , while improving the degree of bleaching can significantly reduce the amount of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 requires the use of certain basic conditions , the reaction is as follows : H2O2 + OH-= HOO-+ H2O Increased oxidative capacity , while also increasing the possibility of the following reversible reaction , OOH-+ H2O2 = OH-+ H2O + ? O2 Heavy metal ions by contacting the peroxide or a hydrogen peroxide decomposing enzyme , H2O2 = H2O + ? O2 Specialty Instead ofhydrogen peroxidestabilizerpriorto use,and reducesthe amount ofsodium silicate,hydrogen peroxideplaysa role in protectingand promotingbleaching. Used in the textiledyeing and finishingindustry,canadapt to changes indifferent materials,keepingthe bleachingeffectwhile protectingand enhancingthe feelofthe fiber. Add a small amountmore cleanwater systemscan reduceCOD. When used,hydrogen peroxidecan be stabilizedto improve thebleaching efficiency
Application Usage:WhenDAHNET-7688in accordance with generallyhydrogen peroxidecanbleach,using the samemethod. Dosage:Textiledyeing and finishing processes:the amountof hydrogen peroxide0.2%-0.4%(100%hydrogen peroxide) Deinkingpulp:0.2-0 .8 kg / Tdry pulp Otherpulping process:1-2 .5 kg / Tdry pulp